Yerevan, Armenia
Concept Development
Content Development
Exhibit Planning
Proposal Design
This document illustrates an iterative framework for the development of an art installation and workshop plan for Nubarashen and an answer to a call for proposals of February 2017. The concepts herewithin are draft concepts that layout some necessary elements to exhibit and integrate how waste is valued, how waste effects society and how waste effects the environment including comparisons with international precedents in Germany and Japan.
The sustainability of our world depends on both the reusability of our waste and raised awareness of our own personal consumption and how our accummulated consumption affects us all. The team collaborators and sponsorship possibilities listed are for illustrative purposes only and requires confirmation dependent on availability.
Prepared by:
Aramazt Kalayjian
Saro Karadanian
Anna Gargarian
Guidandce/Mentorship by:
Nazareth Karoyan